Sensitive and Steady: Teaching Yoga on the Grassy Knoll: December 28, 2020

We activated our immune system, calmed our nervous system, and prayed for the world. Grassy Knoll to the rescue!

We activated our immune system, calmed our nervous system, and prayed for the world. Grassy Knoll to the rescue!

I've been getting the 3AM wake up call for a week now. You know the one, the eyes wide open, mind racing with worry, the doom and the gloom all rolled into bed with you in the middle of the night. I'm startled and unsettled and anxious such that it disrupts my sleep and follows me into the dawn. I’d stay in bed with the covers clear over my head, given the chance.

But it’s Monday morning. And I have to lead a yoga class at 7:30 AM.

I’ll get out of bed for yoga. I’ll walk over burning coals for yoga, which is why I practice. It helps me get out of my own way. It helps me through the pain. it helps me see clearly the ebb and flow of crushing anxiety, which , for whatever reasons, both seen and unseen, were in full play this morning.

I'm really afraid of getting Covid, (some of my friends think I’m "‘overreacting’), and maybe I am. Yet added into it all is a poker hot , sound the high alarm fear of giving it to someone. I haven't felt like getting close to anyone, including my husband, but that's another story, sort of.

But I'm pretty good with six feet (and even better at 10). Outside.

I've struggled mightily with co-dependence. I'm learning everyday more about not being able to control others. But I also am also finding that being grounded in my own sense of balance and discernment, that there is a safe zone. I can be in that calm presence. This is welcome relief and feels so damn good. And this is something that I do want to pass along to others, so they experience peace for themselves, from the inside out.

The Grassy Knoll is an awesome place to do this. So I get out, not only from my bed, but from my head, jump on my bike, roll out my mat on the Grassy Knoll, and offer some yoga.

Here is our practice today:

Sit circles
Upavisata with side bend

Qigong massage for L1 and L2, with neck stretch and arm circles

Cat and cow
Easy side angle
Half toe torture with inner thigh extension


Intention setting

 Warrior I with arm circles
Twisted lunge
Side angle with extension

Low lunge with psoas stretch

Warrior II dance 
Trikonasana with side strength

Bridge play

Easy twist

Health, Love, and Rock and Roll

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