Align With The Light Within: Teaching Yoga on the Grassy Knoll: Kihei, HI: December 21. 2020
Turning to the Light. Happy Solstice! Today’s practice was an offering to the sun-stillness.
Today is an offering to the winter solstice; the shortest day and the longest night. It also happens to be the great conjunction of Saturn-Jupiter. Astrologer Chani Niclolas calls it “one of the most important astrological reboots we’ll ever live through”.
Solstice translates as “the stillness of the sun” . Sages recommend we take time today to slow down, meditate, send intentions into the world.
When I first got sober I was willing to try just about anything to help me stop drinking. “Go to meetings, pray, One Day At A Time”, and other ideas sounded positively foreign. Utterly ridicules. Complete hogwash. But I wanted to become a sane, sober person so much I was willing to try.
I found these modern day sages to be wise and helpful. I experienced truth and healing and haven’t had a drink since January 17, 2007.
And here we are in 2020. These are dark days and I cling to the sages to help me find the light. I wear a mask, I socially distance, I call my family and friends to check in. And I practice yoga. All of these things have literally saved my life.
Today I ask myself, “why not lean into the sky mysteries?” I’ve dabbled around for a few years with it, and I think it’s helped heighten awareness. And because what I share in our yoga gatherings on the grassy knoll is what I'‘m learning about the most, we spent the better part of the practice this morning sitting, intention setting, and sending prayers of light into the world.
Here’s our sequence:
Solstice meditation
Sun Salutations x2
Gathering the Winds Qi Gong
Prayers of Light tadasana meditation
Warrior I
Warrior II (with whale watch!)
Warrior II
Low lunge
Half Hanumanasana with twist
Eye of the Needle
Twisted Root
Alighing with Grace meditation
Health, Love, and Rock and Roll