Metta is Bettah! Yoga with Denise at Yoga Loka: Reno, Nevada: March 13, 2018
Yoga practice with Denise Barclay will change your life.
Cancelling shows has a particular brand of spice that is so upsetting I can't even eat. Or maybe its nausea from a two day bus ride from Denver to Reno after a difficult not-enough-fresh-air-or-exercise tour. Whatever the case, as I reached our mainland home base, I wasn't feeling well, on any level, but mainly my spirit felt defeated.
One good thing, and I was trying to look for anything positive because "all things happen for a reason" wasn't good enough. I mean, I know that, that blanket pleasantry is part of my belief system, but I needed something concrete, something I could feel and touch here and now. And that was one of my favorite studios in the world is right here and one of my favorite teachers was teaching today at 9:45 AM.
I showed up early so I could say hello and placed my mat as close to her as possible without looking like some kind of wierdo stalker. Denise is the kind of teacher who emanates the teachings. Just sitting close to her will quiet your mind and calm your soul.
Today's practice is was about Metta, in sanscrit it’s Maitri (PYS 1.33) Loving kindness is one translation, but it also translates as her less difficult sister, friendliness. Its hard to be in a state of loving kindness all the time; friendliness is much more accessible, especially where you're not exactly chipper.
The first thing Denise asked us to do was sit with our palms facing up. "This is metta", she says, and proceeded to remind us that metta, is an openness, a receptivity to what is happening. There is no fake "its all good", rather it is an acceptance of what is happening. It pulled me out of dukkha (suffering, the opposite of sukkha) instantly. It worked so well it actually surprised me. I've been working with metta and maitri for a decade, usually in relationship to other people, and I was so happy to see it can work to ease worry and tension about life situations too. If you come right down to it, I've been a little angry with God.
I'm not sure what's worse, being angry with God, or being angry about being angry with God.
Denise weaved in this poem by Kelly Rae Roberts. It’s so good there's nothing I can write to describe how great these mantras make you feel, so I'll leave you with this poem and send you some love because after this practice I'm feeling happy enough to share some of mine with the world.
Health, Love and Rock N Roll
Be Brave
by Kelly Rae Roberts
May you surrender fear, embrace uncertainty,
and trust your strength.
May you be gentle on your soul
(and ask for what you need.)
May you feel the immeasurable power
of how deeply you are loved.
May you discover all the ways in which
but deeply, profoundly whole.
May you embrace your vulnerability
and practice courage (every single day.)
May you emerge softer, wiser, and
more beauty-full.
May you discover all the ways compassion
rises up to meet your biggest struggles
and cracks open your heart
to the light within yourself
waiting to be seen,
waiting to be remembered.