Yogi's Horoscope for New Moon In Pisces: Take Your Dreams For A Walk: Wailea, HI: March 13, 2021
Walking towards the ocean, grounding my feet and anchoring my heart to my New Moon In Pisces wish to live as a yogini in Maui.
This whole week has been under the influence of Neptune, the ruler of the oceans. The Sun, Moon, and Venus have all joined in, so no wonder it’s been so wet . But even more, Neptune is the energy of boundary dissolving. We so often think of yoga and other spiritual practices as a way of finding ourselves; Neptune urges us to do the opposite...to lose ourselves by merging into something greater.
According to yogis, the cause of all our suffering is not seeing clearly (avidya). The primary reason? Our sense of a separate self (asmita). Neptune dives deep into these currents of illusion. It’s asking us to remember what Freud termed our oceanic sense of reality, the sense of oneness of the womb, before we learned that we are distinct from our mothers, and then, by extension, everybody else.
We’ve been here a lot during the pandemic. These lessons about “we are all in this together” keep showing up. As separating as these times are for many of us, we have also had the experience that nothing exists in isolation.
And still…here we are.
This new moon is in the watery sign of Pisces. It’s the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, and rules the subconscious. Before we turn the wheel into Aries and a new start to the zodiac, we have some time here in the sign of oneness. We’ve all experienced waves of deep yearning for the divine; a sense of drowning in our own petty smallness. As this new moon conjuncts with Neptune it intensifies our dive within to ask, what parts of myself have I split away from, repressed, not accepted, not owned up to? It’s easy to embrace your “good parts”, but what about those things not so easy to love?
This is a call to gather yourself, all parts of yourself, and bring it all right here, back home. One of the definitions of yoga is to integrate.
If we can’t do it for ourselves, we can’t do it for others.
As fine and dandy as integration is, we also must ask, what is integration for? What fills us with a sense of purpose? After such deep dive into your soul, it’s a perfect time to clearly see what matters most. The question then becomes, what life do I want my integrated self to live? Pisces is about dreams and imagination, but not without some grounding. Once you determine what floats your boat, so to speak, you need to moor it into the earth so it won’t get swept out to sea.
Take a SWOT analysis (your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). It’s an “and, and” time, not an “either, or”. Dissolve the boundaries of the very things that limit you with waves of consciousness followed by steps of action.
Ground your New Moon dreams by selecting at least one of your wishes and take it for a walk. Literally, take a moment to stand in tadasana, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and visualize you in your new moon wish already granted. Then open your eyes, and step forward. Feel your own feet grounded and carrying you forward into the life of your dreams.
Pisces rules the feet, and your thoughts create your reality.
This new moon in Pisces is powerful. And so are you.