Yogi's Horoscope for New Moon in Aries: April 11, 2021: Kihei, Hi
Someone who wanted a mangos in their own backyard had to plant a tree to make it happen. (and I’m glad they did!) Happy New Moon in Aries!
Being the sign of Aries, this new moon packs a punch. It’s the first sign of the zodiac and the beginning, astrologically speaking, of a new cycle. This new moon has the assistance of Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, and Saturn. It’s not necessarily smooth sailing, though, as Venus and Pluto add a tone of seriousness; a call, in earnest, to name what matters most. There’s a sense that hangs thick in the air that there’s no escaping the deep desire to align our lives to what’s not-so-subtly tingling in our hearts.
Changes we need to make, quite literally, are coming into cosmic view. Our hearts and eyes have been cracked open like never before, and it’s impossible to keep the light out. Just look into the night sky and see all the stars shining brightly upon us. New moons are the dark against which even the dullest lights shine.
We all know change isn’t easy. But this new moon is making it practically impossible to stay the same.
The phases of the moon have a dependable rhythm and order to them, and therefore can be structures par excellence for holding us steady and accountable, especially in such unpredictable times. While there’s nothing modern about setting intentions at new moons, there is real magic that’s been used for centuries. Stewarding our own lives in the direction of our heart’s desires takes some effort and a friendly little astrology reminds us we can do it!
Determining what you want is a creative endeavor. Creativity is a powerful change agent. Just notice if you begin to tune your mind to a life where you could have anything, be anyone, live a life of profound meaning and purpose, what would that look like, and how that feels in your body.
The magnificent mango tree in my backyard stared by someone wanting fresh mangos.
Sit down and writing your desires. It doesn’t have to be a big deal and fancy. Pull out a piece of paper and write for 5 minutes. If you’re on a roll, maybe 10. if you’re having trouble starting, you might try this prompt…This time next year, I will be (or have)…
We all know that a year can bring with it extraordinary changes.
While spiritual teachers from all disciplines remind us that we can’t control the “fruits of our actions”, we can absolutely control our actions.
And nothing will happen unless we start.
The energy of this new moon isn’t one to go willey-nilly into wishing but to take a moment and empty yourself. Dare to let go of roots that feel stale. Till the soil and freshen up the earth below your feet.
And then plant your intentions. Like any good gardener, let the process be filled with love and hope, joy and possibility.
Then post your Aries new moon wishes on your mirror or fridge or office wall, wherever you will see it every day for a month. While the world is changing in front of our eyes, the ground is also moving under our feet. Let yourself feel inspired as much as possible from head to toe.
Then do what you have to do, to walk your talk.
Shine on!