Heavenly Bodies: Yogis Horiscope for Full Moon in Gemini: December 12, 2019: Wailea, Maui, HI
“There are three things that cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the Truth”—Buddha. From our first full moon by our new pool in Maui and the very first time my husband and I sat alone in our back yard. Ever.
This Gemini full moon is the last full moon of this decade. We’re heading to 2020. Doesn’t that have a lovely ring to it?
While full moons portend a moving on, and a moving forward, this moon seems especially potent to bring to a close long, lingering, relentless, clingy habits that, really, it is time to ditch. Specifically untruths like “I’m not worthy”, “I don’t belong here”, and completely reexamining “I can’t” , especially if its a natural reflex.. Full moons have a way with exposing what’s been in the dark . Tuning to “maybe” instead of “no” can help turn the tides of your mind and significantly move your life forward as surely as the ocean’s tides are playing in the ample light cast from this December full moon.
Don’t be naive, though. Process all the facts, assess the situation, do a SWAT analysis, but ultimately, trust your instincts. Remember the Buddha taught Sangha Sharanam Gacchami. There is refuge in the sangha. Gemini is the sign of the twins and reminds us we don’t have to forge this on our own. Find a friend, a confidant you can share issues that might be perplexing and difficult. Let them help you wade through these deep heartfelt Truths that are coming into light and might be difficult to face. Lean in to each other. And stay close.
There is a big to-do made over the fact of this moon’s timing. December 12 at 12:12 they say is an ascension portal. It says a significant change is on the way. It is said to catapult us into abundance.and limitless possibilities. The mantra of YES will help us. Halleluja!
This requires we be honest with ourselves. So we can plumb our own depths, to reach in, take what’s holding us back from living a higher version of what we’ve been doing for a decade, or more, and give it a good toss.
Star people are also talking about the rare triple conjunction with Saturn, Pluto and Venus. It’s rumored to bring unusually the good luck. To tell you the Truth, speaking of truth, this information feels secondary to me, meaning I don’t understand these complexities yet. I’ve only read about it. But you might know a lot more, or maybe you’re interested to research further. I sure am. It feels like Truth to me. My instinct says Yes. But that’s as far as I can offer insight in this today.
Shine ON. How You’re Loving Is How You’re Living