Heavenly Bodies: Yogis Horiscope for New Moon in Sagattarius: Maui, HI: November 26, 2019
A group of yogis gathered here on Maui to journal and catch the rays of joy bestowed by this beautiful full moon.
What's not to love about the new moon in Sagittarius? It's expansive. It loves to travel and explore. It is a truth seeker. This new moon is especially sweet because it's ruler, Jupiter, is stationed in Sag, her home sign. We won't have this abundant , easy to access, good luck for another 12 years, as Jupiter will transit into Capricorn December 3.
This is not to say abundance won’t be there for the taking, because it always is. It’s going to take more mastery, though. This new moon sets us up because is more easily allows our consciousness to expand, to open our playing field and consider the possibility of YES more than normal. Exploring the realm of the planets and stars means immersing ourselves in the language of energy. And since we are all energy, as 1st Corintihans puts it, "the body is the temple of the spirit". it calls to mind, who you are spending your new moon time with? What are you learning lately? What are you reading? What (or who) are you listening to? What are you attracting, and what is helpful for the journey ahead? How can you set yourself up for success?
Particularly juicy in this new moon are the area of Freedom, Higher Learning, Truth Seeking, and Optimism. Maya Angelou said, "ask for what you want, and be prepared to get it". Spending time with these areas and getting as raw and honest as possible about what you want is a vital step feeling more alive and more connected to everybody and everything, just like the beauty of the energy of this radiant new moon blessings. Then take action, something, anything, to set your life in the direction of what your love the most, and nourishes your soul so much you can actually hear yourself say YES, YES, YES I see you and I love you.
Shine ON. How you’re loving is how your living.