Heavenly Bodies: Yogis Horiscope for New Moon In Capricorn: December 26, 2019: Kihei, Maui, HI

I’m not sure what was so hilarious in our New Moon Journaling workshop, but I do know a sense of humor is useful when undergoing self study and life changing decisions.

I’m not sure what was so hilarious in our New Moon Journaling workshop, but I do know a sense of humor is useful when undergoing self study and life changing decisions.

All new moons are an opportunity to reset, and this new moon in Capricorn is supercharged for a practice in abhinivesha, translated as attachment to the status quo. One of the kleshas, a map of the attachments to the mind, abhinivesha is said to “overwhelm even the wise”.

It has obvious earmarks to endings: its the last new moon of year, and it’s last new moon of decade. It ushers in eclipse season. This new Moon trines Jupiter (abundance, good luck, optimism) and Uranus (disruption and innovation), so buckle in for significant breakthroughs. .
BUT! AND! This can be tricky. When making big, bold tracks in the unseen, we might find stability, relief even, in remembering THE MOST important thing we can do is to prepare ourselves; our hearts, minds, and bodies. How do we do that? . Sutra 1.2 says, quiet the mind. Be present. Ram Dass , who just died (but will never be dead to me), famously suggests Be Here Now.

Tesla said, if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. . Preparing ourselves with the high vibe feelings of abundance and opportunity, trust and faith charges the air amidst rocky astrology.

And really, who doesn’t need a good rattle out of our old ways. Recall when you’ve had a bump in the road and consider how it all turned out paths in your life in the most mystical and magical ways. Taking time here in this new moon, when the energy is so supportive of a breaking from traditions, could be the opportunity right now to alter the course of your life.

I’m going to say that stronger: it IS an opportunity. Take it.

Capricorn the Goat is surefooted and climbs the highest heights, one step at a time, one breath at a time, but the biggest deal of it all is that he had to start somewhere, and sometime.

Be Here Now and get into it. Ambition has bad press in spiritual circles but yogis wouldn’t agree. Nothing happens without desire. Agni (fire) is the very first word in the Rig Veda. And steps taken now will ring in the new year with a lot more razzle dazzle than champagne.

Shine ON. How you’re loving is how you’re living.