Delight And Surprise Are Some Of My Favorite Alignments: Teaching Yoga on the Grassy Knoll: Kihei, HI: July 14, 2021
We used an essential oil blend by one of my favorite aromatherapists Lisa West.
Our yoga today included poses I don't teach very often and sequences that were inspired by the delight of waking up in Maui and preparing for class while the fragrance of plumeria wafted around me.
Since delight was clearly an alignment to offer this morning, I infused our opening meditation by sharing Lisa West's essential oil blend with the same name.
Moving and breathing and teaching in new ways really does open up a body and soul. I resist because I feel like it's not going to make sense, but what really doesn't make sense is to not follow the alignment that's bubbling up from the inside out.
One of the many great opportunities that teaching a regular class brings is that, ready or not, class time is set and you have to show up with what you got. For years I fell back into patterns tried and true, but these days it just feels stale to do that.
I don't know if I'm getting braver or if the world is demanding we all move with authenticity. Either way, this is our practice today, and among things I learned is that overthinking and over-preparing are overrated!
Sit infused with Lisa West essential oil Delight
Side bend with occiput stretch
Sukasana forward fold
Reverse table with windshield
Half virasana
Moving tadasana side-to-side stretch
Utkatasana play with curtsey pose
Low lunge with side bend
Hamstring stretch
High crescent
Humble warrior
Warrior III
Half moon with chapasana variatiion
Crescent twist
Standing crescent twist with backbend variation
Dancers pose
Eye of the Needle
Twisted Root
Health, Love, and Rock and Roll