Let's Hit The Wall: Teaching a Private: Wailea, HI: July 18, 2021
The Sunday yogi has guests in town who joined us. It’s so much fun to meet people through yoga. I'm hoping, of course, they will love our yoga together. And sometimes I worry about that (for about 5 seconds) since, in a sense , what we practice on Sunday isn't necessarily classic yoga. Yet on the other hand, it's about opening to our breath and the joy of living, so in this way, it's very much in alignment with what yoga texts are trying to help us do, so what’s not to love about that.
And besides worry never solves anything.
And double besides, the yoga always “works”
The past fwo weeks the Sunday yogi hasn’t loved starting with seated poses. It’s harder than standing for him, so we opened with a standing practice followed by poses at the wall that we usually do seated in order to get a little more support in our alignment and more ease with our hips and low back.
Here's today's sequence:
Tadasana stretch
Dynamic movement with side to side stretch
Dynamic movment with twist
Dynamic moment with strength utkatasana
Crescent pose with cactus arms and twist
Crescent pose with arm circles
Warrior III
Wall Downdog
Wall arm stretches
Wall utanasana
Wall utkatasana with shoulder stretches
Wall eye of needle
Wall Upavista konasana
Wall sukasana
Health, Love, and Rock and Roll