Let's Yoga Together! Teaching a Private: Wailea: HI: June 27, 2021
Look at these sweet yoga helpers! Love the youthful energy and genuine smiles.
As crazy as this world is,I know for one hour on Sunday I'll be OK. That's a little bit of an exaggeration but not too far from the truth if I'm honest with myself.
it feels so good to be home on Maui and I love what has become a ritual of what the yogis might call "right thinking". Grounded, open hearted, friendly spirit, easeful, loving, peaceful .
The Sunday yogi has guests in town and I'm always delighted to yoga with anybody or anything on his exquisite property, as much for the beauty of the estate, but even more for the good vibes.
Here’s our sequence:
savanna with full body stretch
windshield wiper
eye of the needle
sukasana side bending with twist
seated forward fold
table top with cat and cow
table top strengthening and balance play
balasana with toe stretch and side bending
1/4 sun salutation
parvatadasana with balance play
warrior II dance
hula pose
wide leg shoulder stretch
ocean heart openers
Health, Love, and Rock and Roll