Monday Morning Yoga: Teaching Yoga on the Grassy Knoll: Kihei, HI: February 1, 2021
Start from a place of yoga.
There's many ways to move around in this world. This morning, for unknown reasons, I just wanted to stay in my warm bed. Not that I was tired. Not that it's cold outside. I just didn't want to face the day.
But I "have" to on Monday mornings because I teach on the Grassy Knoll at 7:30AM.
Yoga is one thing that will get me up and out of myself every time.
Which is a large reason I teach it. It lifts me up.
I forgot to record our sequence. What I remember most is the joy of gathering with our sangha and the general feel good of an outside yoga practice in Maui. Here’s part of our twisty sequence:
Step right foot behind left wrist
Pigeon pushups
Standing twist
Twisted tadasana
Health, Love, and Rock and Roll