And Now, There's This: Teaching Yoga at Maui Yoga Path: November 7, 2021: Kihei, HI
Sutra 1:1 Atha Yoga Anushasanam. Here and now is Yoga. Photo from a property in Nevada that might be my future mainland home. In escrow WOW!
It’s astounding how much can happen in a week. I flew to Nevada to see a spectacular piece of property. Just a year ago I said I’d never leave Maui, much less to move back to Nevada. But that’s the thing about being a yogi: we stop believing our thoughts so much. We are open to the present moment.
This allows for skillful action.
I flew to Nevada last Sunday, not only to look at the property, but to feel it. After years of digging my heels into only living in Maui, I am surprised and delighted to lift off a little bit. I have to come to grips with reality. We are going back to tour (another never again I told myself), and it makes good business sense to keep our Nevada residency and have a mainland base.
But, not at the cost of crushing my soul.
This property, with her views and running water, her trees and her small house, are anything but suffocating. It’s a place that promotes deep breathing and heart opening, and I’ll take that in a home any day of the week.
If it wasn’t for David, I wouldn’t have been looking. It it wasn’t for touring on the horizon I would be leaving. To stay on Maui at this particular here and now just isn’t practical.
The fact that I even think in terms of practicality, is, in itself a testiment to the power of a yoga practice. It’s been a long learning curve to trust that staying present is the path to making our dreams come true.
I thank my lucky stars this little house on two exquisite acres exists because when you say yes to the universe, it really does conspire to help you align with all things good.
Yes, it’s amazing what a difference a week can make, but also it’s mind-blowing what a difference a yoga practice makes. It always changes things for me, it always expands me into a me I barely recognize. Which is a good thing, because, if it was only up to me and my small thinking I would have never found a little slice of heaven in Northern Nevada and had two, not just one, sanctuaries to call home.
Here’s our beach yoga practice today:
Utththa tadasana
Marichiasana with blocks
Janushirsasana with easy Vastistasana
Baddha konasana
Upavista konasana
Ajayanasana with high lunge and twist
Uttanasana with blocks
Tadasana with Removing the blocks play
Quiet mind play in tadasana
Warrior II with moving arms
Utkasasana play
Warrior II with tippie toe play
Tadasana with share prayers
Setu Bandha with strap
Easy twist