Fresh New Hang Time With Our Heart: Teaching Yoga at Maui Yoga Path: November 24, 2021: Kihei, HI

Fresh new hairdo to usher in the holiday season.

Every day is a fresh new opportunity to restart your life in the direction you want. Nothing gets in your way, except you. The practices of yoga are here to help us clear the channels, not only of the body, but equally, our minds. Because if we don’t endeavor forward in a positive way, we are moving in the opposite direction.

While this truth is obvious, it is nonetheless hard to do on a consistent level. The sanscrit word for practice is “abhyasa” and the yoga sutras say that it is through “consistant practice for a long time” that alignements are established.

So, practice we did this morning. On the glorious lawn beside the Pacific ocean. Here’s our sequence”

Intention meditation

Marichiasana on blocks

Tipping Buddha

Reverse table
Supported bridge x2

 Supine Eka padagustasana
Supine Uttithatadasana

 Lunge with blocks
Lunge Twist

Sweeping The Day qi gong

Warrior II

Chatuaanga dips

Forarem plank
Yin style sphinx
Easy supine twist
