No Effort Is Ever Wasted, No Gain Ever Reversed: Teaching Yoga At Maui Yoga Path: November 21, 2021
No effort ever wasted, no gain ever reversed. Even a little bit of practice will shield you from sorrow—as promised in the Bhagavad Gita
This promise in the Bhagavad Gita always helps me motivate. The yoga is always fun to do; no “motivation” required. It’s the other things being demanded of me…upcoming tour, assisting with David’s book, the printing of mine, the Nevada house in escrow…while each of these things in of themselves are do-able and, for the most part enjoyable, the landslide of all of them at once makes me want to run to the beach, cover myself with warm sand, and disappear from anything resembling a computer or a cell phone. But because I’ve adopted this sutra as my battle cry, I work even if it’s just a little bit on all these things everyday.
I’ve been efforting towards all this for two years. I couldn’t be more grateful, believe me. Which really makes me wonder why I feel overwhelmed. Really, it’s all such a mystery.
Teaching yoga this morning feels like a break from trying to figure all it out. Really all I had to do was figure out out a sequence for class this morning , and roll out my mat and share.
Here’s what we did this morning
Intention setting
Baddha konasana
Upavista konasana
Reverse plank
Navasana play
High lunge using blocks
Parvakonasana with foot play
Utkatasana play
Warrior II
Warrior II with shoulder play and tippee toe
Tree play
Janushirsana with strap
Supported heart opener over blocks