Lifted and Alive with Katie at Yoga Loka, Reno, Nevada: April 26, 2017

Katie offered the simple instruction in Warrior  pose to feel "lifted and alive". Among other sensations going on, through feeling grounded the play was to allow the connection to the earth to come up through the legs,  and lift the pelvis off the legs, the spine out of the pelvis, the head off the cervical spine.

The Carson area teachers are all about the lift, or so it seems in so many of the classes I've attended lately.

Sally Schuster has  told us to lift or kidneys, which changed my whole life. It is said the kidneys hold  our fear. Practicing courage is one way to lift the kidneys, but another is to lighten the mental activity of being a scaredy cat. About anything really.

I have a deep tendency towards anxiety and its been building lately. I've even had a return of my ol' buddy panic attacks. Dizzy, shortness of breath, all  of that.

Its related to the new house in Maui, which has links to thoughts of "I'm not worth it". It feels like crap and it feels old and it feels sticky.

Part of the path of getting unstuck in these old patterns is to lift out of it and get  present and get clear and feel the aliveness of what's happening right now.

A dream of living at the beach is coming true.

I don't know what the hell makes that so scary but for now I"m going to lift my kidneys which helps my lowest ribs settle down from their semi-permanent pose of panic.

 Aloha and Namaste