Trust Your Anahata: Yoga with Rachel at Simply Yoga: Vancouver, WA: August 25, 2016

Walked a mile and took two yoga classes back to back. That should say something about my state of mind today.

By the second class I was ready to listen, which was divine timing since it was yin style stretch for the heart. This tour has stretched my heart in so many ways and I was so surprised how small it felt today, like I still have so far to go.

And the tour is almost over.

The task, touring,  which once was the last place I wanted to be, is now coming to and end and I have to be still and quiet. On one hand I'm super looking forward to it, and on the other I"m scared to death and in the grip of "what the hell happens next?"

Opening the heart for real is always painful because it means things are going to change.

Here is the sequence that was both painful and effective,  and if you allow to stay with it will reveal much about the shape not only of your wrists, shoulders, and neck, but more importantly, your heart.

Sit with pranayama

Supported dog pose with two bricks (5 mins)

Gomukasana (3 mins each side)

Puppy Dog with heart on earth (5 mins)

Supported fish with one brick lengthwise under spine, second brick under head (5 min)

Supine twist (3 mins each side)


When the pain gets to much, Rachel suggested the mantra

Trust Your Heart
