Do Your Practice: Astanga yoga in Denver, Colorado: August 20, 2016

Summer long touring is exhilarating and exhausting. Both.

I had to drag myself to yoga this morning and felt lucky because only very rarely is there a yoga studio across the street from where we are staying. Any further today and I'd have ditched for sure.

And it was a hard and strict class on top of all. The teacher quoted Patabhi Jois oft quoted "Do your practice and all is coming".

I heard this quote when I very first started practicing and I loved it. All I really heard was "all is coming". Like a great life is ahead of me if I just practice yoga.

And life indeed has changed, a lot in fact, since those very first years of yoga. But Life did not. I'm continually learning to deal with what comes at me.

And that has made all the difference.

So when I heard this quote today, and stretched, and sweated, and laughed, and breathed, I heard this quote differently than before.

I heard "Do Your Practice".

That's the emphasis for me today, not on what's coming but rather do the work now, in preparation for Life. Life on life's terms as AA says.

I'm glad I got myself to Yoga today. Always so worth the effort.
