Meditation, Pranayama, and Passing Out: Yoga Bound, Carlsbad, CA with Kristina: January 13, 2016

Yoga altar at Yoga Bound, Carlsbad, CA 

Fourth show in four days and 20 more to go. On top of three days of cleaning and packing, I'm exhausted. I opt out of the show and to stay at Jan's house and take an afternoon class of meditation and pranayama.

The start of tour is tremendously exciting and we've been going so strong I've almost lost sight of how tired I am, but have enough insight to stop for a night. I didn't realize the extent of my exhaustion till class this afternoon. As I sat down on my rolled out mat I heard an internally audible "I'm exhausted". The opening pose was a pranayama exercise with a heart opener over blocks. I think I made it to three focused breaths and passed out.

Which is too bad because the Kristina the teacher was really good and I loved how she guided our breath work together.

I"m not sure how long I was out because I was out, but I was able to catch about 10 more minutes of pranayama. Then she brought up to a seat for a discussion, of which all I added was how effective pranayama is for calming the mind.

Then we sat for a heavenly 25 or so minutes.

And then a beautiful 10 minute savasana where I felt better than I have for a few days.

