Happy Holy Instant! Teaching Yoga on the Grassy Knoll: January 4, 2022

You want a better year? Then have a better moment, a. happy holy instant—Raj via Erich Schiffman’s New Year’s FB post.

Our first practice after New Year and a new moon had some extra power moves in it. The practices allow us to clear and awaken new energy for the purpose of moving forward in our lives with a deeper awareness of the never-ending generous connection to our soul.

Our Monday sangha is well practiced. We’ve spent most of the pandemic together and have built a mutual trust. I offer stronger and more bendy practices here than I do in other classes because these yogis know themselves enough to stay appropriate to their personal stretch. And also, these Monday mornings are a place to explore coming out of our comfort zone. The Grassy Knoll is a safe place to fall.

Here’s our practice today:

Sukasana circles
Halleluja breath

Janu shirsasana twist
Easy vastistasana
Single leg boat play with high kicks
seated eye of the needle with reverse table top

Tadasana with side bending
Downdog with eye of the needle dog

Warrior I
Humble warrior
Warrior III
Standing splits
Half Moon with chapasana option

Bear pose

Chaturanga x 3
Locust play
Dharurasana play with rolly-poly

Cat and Cow

Warrior II
Peaceful Warrior
Low lunge variation with twist
Fallen Star
Five Point chaturanga variations

Upavista konasana

Savasana self adjustmants
Prayers to the Planet