Present with Possibilities: Teaching Yoga on the Grassy Knoll: Kihei, HI: December 27, 2021
Wonder and anxiety cannot coexist—Ravi Ravindra
Maybe it is the CBD oil, or all the yoga, or Maui; it’s hard to say for sure. But even as things become more unpredictable than ever, I don’t feel the crushing wave anxiety that had dogged me most of my life. My teacher Ravi Ravindra said , “wonder and anxiety cannot co-exist” and I believe that is true. I’ve spent the better part of the pandemic wondering what would happen if I followed my dreams with a little more conviction. I’ve had victories as well as disappointments. Of course I have. But my focus is less about what could go wrong and more about what could happen if things go right?
Yogis are all about the present moment (atha yoga anushasanam, sutra 1.1), but they are not opposed to considering our future. Sutra 2.16 (heyam dukham anagram) reminds us that what we are doing right now in the present moment affects our future. Wise choices now prevent future suffering.
The solstice just passed a few days ago marking, astrologically speaking, a new year. With the calendar New Year happening this week, I say, why wait? Why not begin building a brighter 2022 today?
Here is our practice. It was bendy and twist, and had some challenges, just like life!
Sukasana circles
2022 meditation
Tabletop cat and cow with extension
gate pose parighasana
half ardha chandrasana
easy vastistasana
reverse parighasana twist
cat and cow
Three leg dog with hip opener
Warrior I
Twisted high lunge
Warrior II dance
peaceful Warrior
Cobra dips
Camel pose
side crow play
Rabbit pose
Eye of the needle with supine pigeon play
easy supine twist
Prayers to the Universe