Weathering The Storm: Teaching Yoga on the Grassy Knoll: November 29, 2021
Yoga and yoga friends provide shelter from the storm.
The practices can be soft and easy, they can also be focusing., which is effective in stopping our worries or fears..Today was windy and had occasional showers. News. is all about the new Covid variant. There are storms to bother me, to be sure. The practices of yoga, and being together with yogis are my most dependable salve.
We played with a challenging sequence, and in challenging conditions with the wind and the rain. At the end of our practice a bold, beautiful and vibrant rainbow arched abundantly in the sky.
By the time i hopped on my bike to ride home, the rain started again. Yoga doesn’t stop the weather, or the news, but it sure does offer a quiet mindset so that I can skillfully make my way through the storm.
Here’s our sequence:
Toe torture with heart opener
Cat and cow
Table top
Gate with side bend
Easy vastistasana
Balancing half camel
Three leg dog with knee-elbow vinyasa
Lunge wist
Parivritta anjayasana
Standing padagustasana with twist
Warrior III
Standing splits
Ardha matsendrasana
Arm balance play
Swastikasana with forward fold
Windshield wiper
Bycycles and leg lifts
Setu Bandha
Twisted root