Moving Blocks: Teaching Yoga at Maui Yoga Path: October 11, 2021: Kihei, HI
My maltese Star removes the blocks from my heart .
The second chapter of the yoga sutras say the practices are here to help us move, dissolve, and sometimes remove our tight spots. Since all pain, according to yogis, is blocked energy, the yoga practice, for me, is not only practical, it’s necessary.
I’m learning to use yoga props; blocks, straps, bolsters, and such. I’ve always used them but not to this degree of specificity. Because of my day job as a touring yogi I’ve ditched any props from my practice. But now that i’m grounded, I’m bringing them back in and discovering how awesome it is to have a little support.
Navigating tight spots easier when you know you’re held. Sutra 1.23 says complete and total surrender is Samadhi.
Here’s our practice
Swaistikasana and chin mudra
Parsvaswastikasana using blocks
Apanasana with strength play
Supine padagustasana
Eye of the needle
Ado muka swastikasana with parsva play
Toe torture
Tadasana with Block alignement and shoulder opener
Tadasana with block play and “passing the block”
Tadasana with heart share meditation
Goddess with balance play
Supine twist with blocks
Supine twist
Savasana with blocks