Bodhisattva: A Home Practice: Reno, NV: June 18 2020
David and I did a little yoga today. But really, he is my teacher and not the other way around.
My teacher Ravi Ravindra often warns us that the path of awakening is a dangerous affair. It's not all 'love and light" because we mirror the entire universe, which is multi layered and complex. "In this body are all the gods and all the demons", says the Buddha. More recent wisdom, from the world of AA, reminds us "without help it is too much for us". Not only are the teachings of the sages useful to bust through the dangerous affair of self study, but so are friends and the company we keep.
All yoga, and all awakening happens in relationship. Sutra 1.33 with its suggestions of friendliness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity, in particular gives us assistance on how we might navigate our demons, inner and outer.
On the mat I've noticed when I'm more compassionate to my right lower back, my whole body feels a little better. And when my whole body feels a little better ,I'm nicer to David when I have to clean the kitchen for the thousandth time. When David and I get along better, my body feels better; so much so, the pain in my low back goes clean away.
The insight is that maybe my path of yoga has been short sighted. I mean, it's really been all about me. How can I feel better? How can I heal? How can I step further into my heart and dharma and path and awakening. Notwithstanding, this is all an important and vital step because without willingness nothing will happen and nothing will change. But it's not the whole story. For true and complete healing, since the whole universe is a reflection of our souls, I must also be just as diligent in my care and attention and compassion for all beings everywhere.
I used to think the Black Lives Matter movement didn't pertain to me. But of course it does. Until there is equity and justice for all beings everywhere there won't be complete peace anywhere. This is the work of the Bodhisattva.
I used to think this was too big of an endeavor to even attempt, but that is changing for me. It seems the work of a Bodhisattva is the only path that really matters, and the only choice I have these days.
Health, Love, and Rock and Roll