You Are Seen and You Are Heard: Teaching Yoga On The Grassy Knoll: Kihei, HI: December 14, 2020
I arrived early this morning and was the only person on the entire knoll. It might seem like we are all alone in this socially distanced world, but sages tell us otherwise. We are seen and heard and loved. in the most magical ways.
A full solar eclipse is upon us. While we can't see it from Maui, it certainly doesn't mean it's not happening. For sure it's effects make a difference in our day. Often these energetics are so subtle our minds don't even notice it. The yoga helps us become more aware. As it’s put forth in the Upanishads, “see the unseeable” and “hear the unbearable”.
Some texts describe this process as "waking up". One reason I chose to offer a class on Monday morning was for a self-imposed discipline to show up for myself early on Monday morning, you know, to get the ball rolling for the week. To push the momentum forward in a positive manner. Wake up.
And in doing so, I also have to show up for others. I am finding it's true as the Vedas describe, that "together we are nourished".
My yogi friends and family who have showed up for me during the pandemic remind me that I'm not all alone in this deal. So does the Maui sunrise on the Grassy Knoll every Monday morning where I'm met not only with my pals but also the ocean and birds and sky and fresh air.
My intention on this powerful solar eclispe is to know this Love for real, more often, and more confidently.
So together we saluted the sun, set some intentions, and beamed our love in all directions.
Here's our sequence today:
Seated meditation and solar eclipse meditation and intention setting
Seated windshield wiper
Seated windshield wiper with hallelujah
Uttitha tadasana
Full body shake, rattle, and roll
1/4 sun salute
½ sun salute
Full Sun Salute
“Salute around the world”
Warrior I
Warrior II
Upavista forward fold
Repeat 7 times.
Dancers pose
Green Tara with twist, sideband, and hallejuja
Moon Walking bridge
Windshield wipers
Heart Beam
Health, Love, and Rock and Roll