In the Presence Of The Breath: Teaching Yoga On The Grassy Knoll: Kihei, Hi: November 22, 2020

One of the translations of Aloha is “in the presence of the breath”.

One of the translations of Aloha is “in the presence of the breath”.

Not much in 2020 is regularly scheduled, and that includes this impromptu class, put together at the request of Melissa who was boarding a flight to California later in the afternoon. As good excuse as any, in my mind, to gather and do a little moving and breathing.

I've been thinking about opening a yoga studio for over 5 years. Not a serious consideration, but it has been swirling around in the realm of desire. I've been flirting, as she's winking back. I've turned down three offers to take over studios, primarily because of my tour work. It's somewhat deflating not to be able to say yes. Or rather, not willing to say yes; I promised David I'd tour with him, I"m not sure my teaching skills are strong enough to carry a studio, and I worry my business skills aren’t sharp and well-funded enough to find out. There's a lot in the risk category, and it outweighs the reward side.

Who and I kidding? I'd absolutely love to own a yoga studio.

This Grassy Knoll at the Kihei Surfside gig is sort of like owning a studio. Of course, it's lightyears from truly operating a space, but it certainly has a feel of ownership. I've been lucky to have worked in studios who have given me carte blanche to teach whatever I want to. But my own self imposed constraints, born from a desire to do it right and people please, has kept part of me tuned into making sure the studio owner would be pleased with my work. But on the Grassy Knoll, there's just the palm trees and tropical breezes holding me accountable. The sheer joy of sharing yoga and connecting with yogis is completely unobstructed. It’s pure bliss, whose high is so thick, I’d almost swear someone slipped something into my morning coffee.

There's a part of me that feels one step closer to actually becoming a studio owner. Adding that piece of information to the extreme lessons of 2020, is one of the bigger bright spots during this crazy, confusing and ever so wild ride through the fog.

Here is our sequence today:

Virasaana with basket hand meditation
Virasana with twist
Virasana with bathing beauth
Easy side plank
Half. Half moon
Half Dancer pose

Child’s pose

Uttithatadasana with self assist 
Tadasana with Silent OM/Aloha

Standing splits balance play
Airplane play possibility
Low lunge with halleluja
Half splits


Round the world with
Warrior I
Warrior II
Peaceful Warrior
Extended trikonsasna
Prasarita pada tadasana

X 2 both sides

Child’s pose

Eye of the Needle



Health, Love, and Rock and Roll

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