Earth Below, Sky Above, Peace Within: Teaching Yoga on the Grassy Knoll: Kihei, HI: November 16, 2020
Our outdoor yoga studio: the grassy knoll of the Kihei Surfrider Resort.
According to Instagram or Facebook, notably dubious news sources, the grassy area outside the Kihei Surfside Resort in Maui, Hawaii is a “knoll”. That’s what is says, anyway, when you insert your location into your social media post.
A knoll, according to Webster’s dictionary, is defined as a “small hill”. One synonym for a knoll is a “rise”.
If I had to choose a word for it, I’d say “perfection”.
This morning was a test- run to see how a yoga class there might look. I wanted to see what it felt like in my heart. With the help of three willing participants, who showed up at the behest of my text, the experiment revealed instant results. When yogis come together, something magical happens. Energetically, inspiration travels heart to heart; an invisible, yet visceral nudge to flourish and thrive. A reminder that we’re not alone, and a knowing that we all are here to help each other. That’s why online yoga classes feel different than zoom, why zoom feels different that live, and why live feels so amazing.
Don’t get me wrong, I love yoga in all its offerings. But I can’t let this moment pass without a big mahalo to Melissa, Kelly, and Miyako. Thank you, thank you. You bring a whole new layer of faith and belief to this mantra in the Taittrya Upanishad
Together may we be proected
Together may we be nourished
Together may we work with great energy
May our journey together be brilliant and effective
May there be no bad feelings between us
Peace Peace Peace
So it’s officially a Monday morning, 7:30AM, outside, oceanfront, socially distanced yoga class. It says so right here in this blog.
Here’s our sequence ths morning:
Breath meditation
Supine ankle and hip circles
Supine tree with side stretch
Rock and roll supine twist
Sukasana cat and cow
Forward fold and side stretch
Seated twist with neck/trapezius release
All fours cat and cow and big circles
Marching downdog with side release
Sphinx or Seal
Balance dog with wrist stretch
Side plank
IT band stretch
Side plank variation with strength option
Child’s pose
Wrist stretch
Grounded twist
Twisted stretch
Low lunge with psoas stretch
Side angle with prayer twist
Warrior II dance
Peaceful warrior
Peaceful warrior
Low lunge
Hamstring stretch
Pigeon with gratitude meditation
Bridge or wheel x 2
Supine twist
Heart beam meditation
Health, Love and Rock N Roll