Pisces Full Moon Journaling for Sacred Self Study: Teaching yoga at Yoga Loka: Reno, NV: September 14, 2019

These Reno moon journalers sure made my heart happy.

These Reno moon journalers sure made my heart happy.

All Yoga happens in relationship and it sure shines bright like the full moon when you're with people you love. Before the class even started, my heart felt as full as the moon. This class didn't require any teaching; for me it was about being present to the bright hearts in the room. I loved every single breath of our time together this evening.

Here's our sequence:

"The love that moves the sun and other stars" meditation

Opening Reflections Journal

Yoga Practice
Supported fish
windshield wiper
Eye of the needle
Nadi shodhana pranayama

Pisces Full Moon Journaling

Love One Another sealed wish practice

Loka Samatha Sukhino Bhavantu chant and meditation


Health, Love and Rock N Roll