You Say You Want A Revolution with Chris at Yoga Loka: Reno, Nevada: October 13, 2018
You say you want a revolution, well you know, we all want to change the world. You tell me that its evolution, well you know, we all want to change the world. But when you talk about destruction, don't you know you can count me out. You know its gonna be alright. John Lennon and Paul McCartney.
The Beatles song Revolution was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney while the Beatles were studying meditation in India. It is said the song is a response to the social uprisings in 1968 and was one of the Beatles first instances of giving voice to political statements. It said the line " its gonna be alright" was a direct result of Lennon's meditation practice, conveying that God would take care of everything, even amidst such upheaval.
I heard the first recording of Revolution, the slower bluesy version, on the way to class this morning. Although I've heard the song thousands of times I heard it afresh this morning and began to understand it in light of my own recent upheaval. Like the slowing down of this version of the song, the slowing down of my mind in yoga practice helps me see the 'revolutions' of my mind happening. It common for everybody to 'want to change the world' , which is why the practices of yoga are about self love not self destruction. MLK said, "darkness doesn't drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate doesn't drive out hate, only love can do that". The practices are about seeing our tight spots and realizing there is a bigger Truth. The first four of Patanjali's yoga sutras are all about that.
Chris' classes are sheer Heaven. His pace is slow, and he peppers movements with wisdom. He doesn't talk very much to allow one to tune in and hear your own body communicate. A miraculous insight happened for me when, after the initial sit of stillness, I heard my body clearly convey "I don't want to move". The remodel of our townhouse has been so difficult for me, all I've wanted to do was be anywhere but here.
While its true our new townhouse remodel is completed on the inside, bringing with it a sense of calm and peace, its more the revolutions of my mind, the yoga of resisting the urge to destroy my difficulties, but rather use them to transform my heart into new openings. Along the way I've completely fallen in love with Yoga Loka and the community here. I get to teach here, and now I just want to hang around these parts.
However my life in its current incarnation is about touring. Its about a whole other house on an island I love. Its about a wider consideration of what I consider "home", and learning for real that true home is my own heart. But it sure does help to be in love more of the time. Which is what I'm interested to learn more about and let my own voice give rise to.
It's a cultural habit in the yoga world when a new teacher arrives to give her a list of what body parts aren't working, and poses you can't do. Its usual dinner party conversation to veer towards what's wrong in the world or gossip. So I'm starting my own revolution. To be in Love and see the good in all. This is so super hard to do, so I start where I'm at today which was a nice loving practice this morning, a little blogging this afternoon, and some writing and meditation this evening as I prepare to teach yoga tomorrow morning at 9AM.
Health, Love, and Rock N Roll