Savoring Space with Denise at Yoga Loka: Reno, Nevada: May 30, 2018
Sky medicine from our new deck. The practice of seeing space let me see not only the home we are creating, but the life we are building, which is every bit as beautiful and magical as the sunset.
Sogyal Rinpoche said "Just as it is the nature of the ocean to give rise to waves, it is the nature of the mind to give rise to thought". My mind of late has been in overdrive with details of remodeling so Denise's class was a refreshing counterpose. She used space as her primary alignment.
Space is one of the constituents of our being, according to the Rig Veda. The sanscrit word Bharat translates vastness. Even modern science has gotten into the game acknowledging even atoms are made up mostly of space. I've been so bogged down in details lately I've lost sight of the space, the life, the love that holds me. I reduced my existence to shower fixtures, drapery fabrics, and what kind of coat hangers will fit best on exactly two feet of closet rod. I wrestle with the importance of it so much because deep within I know its not important at all. It has a certain fun to it, but ultimately its unsatisfying.
More than once this week, David and I have cleared a room in spirited discussions about what do to with the fireplace, and where to locate TV's. Viktor Frankl said, "between stimulus and response there is space. In that space is the power to chose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom". In our banter there hasn't been much space, which is why usually I have to leave the room, admittedly sulking away with , "just do whatever you want".
Last night, after several long days of decisions, workers, David and dog wrangling, I went to our townhouse all by myself in the early evening, right around sunset. Yoga and all spiritual development isn't about seeing new things, its about having new eyes. I practiced seeing the space, not the details. The mental shift was medicine because not only could I see the exquisite home we are creating, but also I could see the life we are building, which has little to do with the space of the house and all do to with the space of the heart.
There is a saying that God is in the details. But today I'm reminded God is in the space. God is space. God is Love. That is what is around us and supports us all the time and it felt amazing to brush up next to this great Truth today.
Health, Love, and Rock N Roll.