I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. Yoga with Dennis at The Yoga Movement: Dallas, Texas, Feburary 28, 2018
The word "song" is used to describe the pattern of regular and predictable sounds made by some species of whales, notably the humpback whales. Humpbacks have been described as 'inveterate composers" and have been linked to the energy of music. Their songs are heard for an estimated 10,000 miles. And as the song changes, it gets passed along through magical channels of communication. They all get the memo .
it seems like the same thing happens in yoga. It showed up in California and now again here in Texas, this move from skandasnana to warrior II, which by the way, isn't easy when you first start.
But what I remember most about the class is that I got to practice with my childhood bestie Diane. Connecting with her and other Dallas friends is like that whale song that reaches miles and through time.
We are all connected all the time and the invisible connection to love becomes more visible in the world the more you practice it. The sages have recommended of being mindful to surround yourself with people you love as often as possible because it strengthens your ties to love, friendship, happiness, joy and other juicy alignments that come in super handy in the world.
I use these memories all the time when I'm out on tour and far away from my sangha, which is a fancy sanscrit name for circle of friends.
And I've nicknamed the Dave Mason swag stand, "the world's most friendliest merch booth" in their honor.
Health, Love, and Rock N Roll