Aligning With The Here And Now: Yoga Workshop with Ada Lusardi: Yoga Loka, Reno, NV: September 24-25, 2016
I've been driven and guided to a practice of alignment with strength and internal order ever since I moved to Nevada. No fluffy loosey goosey stuff of which was my main practice in California. And it was perfect because I needed to learn to surrender almost everything at that time in my life.
Practicing with Ada this weekend pulled awareness to the subtle majesty of strength and cultivated a deeper relationship with integrity. Putting yourself in internal order as several instructions are coming at you all at once is an awesome practice in presence. While there is certainly a quiet to the mind by relaxing the body, there seems to be an extra zing of presence while relaxing when all is internally aligned to oneself specifically. Peace and quiet are awesome. Properly ordered peace and quiet is illuminating and divine.
Or so it seems.
The entire practice for the two days was built around feeling and connecting your feet on the earth. We did this in classic standing poses, but also inverted, forward folding, back bending, and even restorative and yin.
Some of my favorite takeaways are
seated ankle rotations and toe stretch over bolster
chair dropbacks
wall dog
aligning cheekbones over pelvis
legs up the wall with bolster and tailbone release
Ada herself, and the community of yogis this weekend at Yoga Loka