Headless Headstand: Yoga with Anita in Williamstown, NY: July 9, 2016

Anita at the East Meets West Studio shared many lovely nuggets of gold today, but my favorite take away was her offering of a headless headstand, via Ana Forrest. It is a forearm balance with the feet resting on the wall and letting go of your head is the key.

Its always the key.

Sages are always asking us to trust into the unknown. Its not that what we know isn't useful, but it is never the end of the story. How can we possibly ever know all there is to know?

Yogis say that all suffering is a matter of not seeing clearly.  Its not what the eyes create for the mind to see but rather a open mind so that one might experience the ongoing miracles that are happening all the time and in support of us.

I'm craving a beach house and I live in the desert. I love the sound of water and have multiple fountains running (except in the winter for obvious reasons). Yet even the snowfall has its own waterfalls and it is all very lovely and that is the Truth.

Pondering this I happened along a magnificent waterfall, right in the center of town.

The continual effort of tuning and trusting the Unknown actually feels as good as the headless headstand, and both practices relieve me of the unnecessary suffering of thinking too much.
