What started as a way for seasoned yoga teacher Winifred Wilson to see the country – and to grow closer to the man she’d called her partner for a decade – turned into the most unexpected trip of all. A profound voyage within, and the surrender of everything she once deemed true, necessary, and valuable.
Downdogs for Roaddogs: Yoga for Rock-and-Roll Tours (And Other Cosmic Journeys of the Heart) is the result of her life-changing excursion, In each of the book’s fourteen essays, a virtue alchemized from theory to practice while out on the wide, open road of America. Each piece is paired with an archetypal rock-and-roll song and the specific pose that allowed her to feel, and exemplify, these qualities. Ranging from Vulnerability to Forgiveness to Surrender—and shifting from “Feelin’ Alright” to “Landslide” to “The Sound of Silence”—each essay operates as a blend of yoga philosophy, rock lore, autobiography, and asana, and cover an array of eminently relatable issues, including addiction, divorce, aging, money, co-dependency, and perfectionism. At the crux of each essay lies a lesson on how we can find ease and contentment when the ground beneath us is constantly moving.
Downdogs for Roaddogs: Yoga for Rock-and-Roll Tours (And Other Cosmic Journeys of the Heart) is built for the busy, modern reader, allowing people to pick and choose essays that might resonate with them at a certain time, or to read the narrative from start to finish.
Whatever the reader elects, she’s bound to leave Downdog for Roaddogs that much wiser, buoyant, and enlivened—and that much closer to realizing that how we are loving is how we are living.