Yogis Horoscope for Full Moon in Taurus: Planetary and Political, Pandemic and Pretas: Wailea, HI: October 31. 2020
Full moon in Taurus from our backyard. I see you and I love you.
Halloween is our modern day version of a pagan festival called Samhain. It was thought to be auspicious in that the veil between the physical and unseen world is said to be the thinnest. Death is, after all, just the other side of life.
And vice versa.
Absolutes and realities are not clear blue skies , especially these days, are they not?
Hold on to your hat because even more discord and jolting confusion is heading our way. This Taurus moon conjoins Uranus, the planet of awakenings, surprise, and sudden upsets. It opposes the sun, set in Scorpio, whose experience of the world is through intuition and psychic powers. Moon in Taurus, on the other hand, is earthy and practical. Both are concerned with security, trust, stability, possessions, and abundance. Both are unrelenting in their pursuit of desire. And both go about it in very different ways.
Sound familiar?
Ravi Ravindra says, “everything which one sees externally is actually inside oneself” so the big question for you this Blue Taurus Moon is, how are you working with your own desires?
Pretas, or “hungry ghosts,” are beings who are tormented by desire that can never be sated. They are often portrayed with tiny mouths and throats and the swollen bellies of the starving, meaning they can never consume enough to ease the suffering of their hungers. This is the mental realm (klesha) of raga, or attachment and the truth that we can never end the suffering of unquenched desire, no matter how much we consume.
Desire itself isn’t the demon, it’s the attachment to it. Witchcraft is letting go of the outcome of all your desires. Which, by the way, is a primary teaching of the Bhagavad Gita.
All realization, say the sages, is a combination of human effort and divine grace. So desire away. Be clean and clear about them. Write them down, put them under your pillow or on your prayer altar. Skillfully navigate the practice of desire by also staying unattached to how you think things are supposed to be. Become more interested in how they actually show up.
This will help keep you on your own lane on this wild ride through these times, buckle you in to be your own best ally. Using your superpower of delighting in surprises is the play not only of this full moon, but also the real magic of our everyday path right here on Planet Earth.
How You’re Loving is How Your Living