Heavenly Bodies: Yogis Horiscope for New Moon in Leo. Help From The Stars To Lead Our Hearts With Courage: Reno, Nevada: July 31. 2019
Leo is regal and majestic and this new moon has some of the most helpful planet love of the whole year.
Leo is ruled by the sun, representing many things, including our soul’s purpose, our will, and our sense of vitality. It is majestic and regal, and leads the heart courageously. When we are in our divine path, abundance flows and scarcity can’t survive.
This new moon brings us to Leo season, and some of the best star love of this whole year. It brings optimism, and abundance. It’s asking us to go for it more than we usually would. Roar louder with your beautiful self and with more courage! Abandon fear and doubt. Break patterns that keep you small and subdued. It’s asking us to be confident, passionate, and warmhearted.
Mercury and Jupiter both come out of retrograde and get some shine from Venus. Said another way, they station direct and shower us with excellent energy for communication, beauty, and abundance. It’s a boon of good fortune, If you’re working on creative projects, this season’s energy can assist you immensely.
I am wishing you a wonderful Leo season, and celebrate this rich nourishment that surrounds us all the time, but is particularly potent at this time. My heart calls out to you to make the most of this love of the moon and other stars.
Health, Love, and Rock N Roll