We Journey Together: Teaching Yoga on the Grassy Knoll: January 17, 2022
Yogis on the Knoll !
Well who would have guessed that my last class on the Grassy Knoll, for now, I didn’t blubber and cry and wail. Am I sad I will miss seeing my friends here? Yes. They are important to me in so many ways. But that’s the thing about true friends; we journey together, through thick and thin, good times and bad, high and low. Though it all we are connected in the heart, no matter what. “Whereever you go, go there in love”. says Rumi. And I’ve learning how to do this, for real, with the help of friends.
And yoga holds us like that, too. Anyone who have been in a low lunge knows you see aspects of yourself that are cranky It is a perfect and powerful place to practice self love. And bacause we can’t give others what we know to be true and real for ourselves, it makes for a full circle of learning.
And just in time for touring.
So no, i didn’t cry when I said goodbye. Well, maybe a little. But mainly I felt grateful and I feel strong. I feel ready to do what life is asking of me. And I know if I get lonely, scared, sad, or tired, I can reach out to my friends because we are yoked.
Here’s our sequence.
windshield wipers
eye of the needle with twist
pada gustasana
Janu shrisasana with twist
Upavsita konasana
Uttithadasana with side stretch
Tabletop twist with arm balance variation
Tabletop twist and dip
Tabletop with hand-foot, heart and will conection
Warrior I
Warrior III variation
Walking Warrior Travel Lunges
Goddess with twist and dip
Warrior II
Peaceful warrior
Warrior II
Lizard with hand-foot variation
Dancing cobras
Sphinx with outer arm stretch
Full body Grassy Knoll stretch