Pigeon On Vacation: Teaching Yoga on the Grassy Knoll: Kihei, HI: September 5, 2021
A magnificent Maui sunset.
Our sequence today was inspired by a desire to sit and watch the sunset, so hip openers were the order of the day.
All said, with the flow and hip openers, some simple, some fancy, we can bend and stretch our way to sitting to enjo the sunset..or we can just relax..and enjoy the sunset. After all, we are being breathed, but we get so used to thinking that is all us, that I'm breathing; that we are doing it all to keep all our proverbial dishes spinning in the air.
Yogis say all realization occur from a balance of practice and surrender (sutra 1.12), or as it stays in the Upanishads, tapas pravad, devas prasad, yoga is a combination of human effort and divine grace.
We also played in the space of balancing our personal practice with the bigger benefit to all beings everywhere.
Here’s our practice tonight:
Full body stretch
Cat cow
Balasana-Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana vinyasa
Rabbit pose
easy side plank with balancing twist
Twisted lunge
Low lunge with thumbs
Half hanumanasana
Table twist
Wariror II
Standing trikonasana
Warrior II with chin mudra and balance play
Tree pose
Temple dancer pose
Eye of needle with pigeon on vacation play
easy twist