Flow of the Universe: Teaching Yoga on the Grassy Knoll: August 30, 2021: Kihei, HI
My little dog Star lights up my life.
“As the universe, so the soul”, say sages. It’s so easy to get caught up in the bad news, the drama of social media, or the latest disagreement with your spouse. The yoga practice gives us an opportunity to come together with the flow of universal truths, and the high order of love, beauty, and peace.
We have to be willing to show up, and make an effort. Centrifugal (center-fleeing) forces are strong. Centripetal (center-seeking) forces happen when we tether our awareness to our body and breath. Ultimately, we sync our deeper inside selves with the higher outside world. This connection, of course, takes massive amounts of practice.
We started our practice by looking into the blue sky, with pretty white clouds, and the glorious shape of a morning moon half full. We breathed in this beauty. Sometimes it’s easy to skip right over the obvious.
Our asana practice was bendy and twisty, with unexpected sequences, but mainly we moved and breathed remembering to feel gratitude and joy for the jewels, sangha and other, in our lives.
When centered and grounded in your own heart, it’s a lot easier to bend, balance and just stand very, very still.
Here’s our sequence
Windshleld wiper
Eye of the needle
Twisted root
Supine padagustasana
cat and cow
Barrel roll
Easy camel
Swimmers spine strength
Warrior II
Peaceful Warrior
Tadasana with smile meditation
Warrior I
Humble warrior
Warrior III with arm variation
Temple dancer
Eagle with eagle’s perch variation
Janu shirsasana with easy side plank
easy twist
heart shine and share meditation