Supported Heart: Teaching Yoga at Maui Yoga Path: Kihei, HI: October 6, 2021

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I like to hold Star’s heart when she leans out the window and enjoys the wind blowing through her hair on our car rides!

This morning the moon rolled into a new phase in the sign of Libra. There is a call to balance ourselves. Our hearts open wider and more gracefuly when we are supported. Our poses open to ourselves when we are balanced with integritiy. The practices of yoga are here to align us with our deepest internal honesty.

I’m learning the Iyengar method is a practice par excellence to help me learn how to do that.

LIke any new practice, it can feel akward and clumsy. It’s tempting to stay in the flippy, bendy vinyasa that I’m so used to. Yes, I can’t. It’s not because external conditions, I.e. teaching in an Iyengar based studio is asking me, but because I’m feeling internal shifts with a annamaya (outermost layer of ourselves ) muscles and bones alignment based practice is shifting so much awareness in my external world.

For one thing I’m feeling more calm and grounded more often.

I feel supported in my yoga practice in a new way these days. Not only by the numbers of people showing up to class, but also I’ve found a teacher who is willing to talk about seemingly small things like ankle bones for hours. My husband, while not a yogi, is completely delighted I’ve got a steady diet of. yoga classes to teach. Maybe he’s just happy I’m out of the house more often. Who knows, But the fact remains there is more room for all of it these days.

Joy and excitement abound in hew alignments everywhere!

Here’s our practice

Easy side plank

Uttitha Virasana
Gomukasana in virasana


Warrior II
Trikonasana x 2

Supine Tadasana
Supine janushirsasana

Setu Bandasana

Supta Padagustsana

Supported Savasana with Swastikasana
