Layers: Yoga at Southtown Yoga: St. Louis, MO: March 2, 2020
After yoga I went up in the Arch. Lovey dove when I get to do fun things on a day off.
Occasionally things align beautifully out here on tour. Today was such a day. I'm staying in a super nice suite in a lovely hotel. I got to slept in on clean sheets and take a shower with luxury bath products. I went to yoga at noon. Followed by a leisurely visit to the famous Gateway Arch in St. Louis. Oh, and a great bowl of pasta afterwards.
I enjoyed the yoga, of course. Our teacher was talking about the layers of the person and our lives, what the yogis call the koshas, and what I was talking about all winter in Maui. In today’s class our teacher (I”m sorry I don’t remember her name..I think it was Sue), directed our attention to remind us that difficult things always pass. But I started to wonder, while sitting there feeling all happy, that if happiness also will always come to pass? If the good things in life will always fade? Do things like faith and love, gratitude and joy have a shelf life?
For mortals like me, yes they do. As I was in my Uber headed back to my fancy hotel I read a disturbing FB post about the coronavirus, which, frankly up to this point, I've given little fear. Diligence, but not fear. By the time I got back to my room at the hotel I'd washed my hands and applied hand sanitizer twice before I even turned the door handle. (I stopped in the lobby for coffee).
I entered into my stylish suite and plopped down on the tufted chaise lounge and I thought about dying, the ultimate layer in life. Now, going from a happy yogi tourist to almost a panic that I'm dying is a long trip indeed.
This layered life, it seems, does ebb and flow. Crest implies trough. The waves feel bigger out here on tour. While it’s temping to reach for room service and order a layered carrot cake, I don’t. I pause and remember today’s yoga class. I remember, too, this fear will pass.
(Fourty one more days of this tour, but who’s counting?). Me.
Health, Love, and Rock N Roll